Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Don't Forget Your Green Drink!

What Is a Green Smoothie?

Today I'm going to be discussing the benefits of one of my favorite healthy eating regimes and beauty secrets! I'm talking of course about the magic potion known as a green drink! For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of a green drink, it it basically a blended smoothie that includes a mix of green super foods and various fruits and vegetables of your choice.

Hilary Greenleaf, author of "The New Green Smoothie Diet," defines a green smoothie as having a ratio of 60% veggies and 40% fruit. The basic idea behind the smoothie is to increase your daily intake of leafy green veggies in a way that best contributes to optimal health. It is most easily described by following the wonderful chart below from :

Green Smoothie 101
Adding a green smoothie to my morning routine has been the focus of my attention recently and I highly recommend that everybody gives this vitamin-filled drink a try as well! It's so easy to make this a morning ritual and I guarantee that within a week or two, you will start to see and feel the benefits in every aspect of your life!

The New Green Smoothie Diet

Why Is Drinking A Green Smoothie More Beneficial Than Simply Eating Greens?

Awesome Almond Green Smoothie (Left)
Awesome Almond Smoothie (Left)
One of the reasons including a green drink into your diet is so beneficial is due to the fact that when you blend your greens, you are actually breaking down the cellular walls of the leaves, which leaves you with the finest particles of nutrients. These nutrients, which of course are still living and fully intact, are then delivered straight to your cells without the damage that heating causes to food. This actually makes it more beneficial to consume greens blended as opposed to just eating them.

The high nutrient density of the greens in their raw form, along with the ease of digestion that a smoothie provides, makes this by far the healthiest form of consumption. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of raw, uncooked plant foods, I highly recommend checking out "The 80/10/10 Diet' by Dr. Douglas Graham. In his book, he explains the endless benefits of living a high carb, low fat raw vegan lifestyle and how to thrive by eating the way that nature intended.

What are the Benefits of Drinking a Daily Green Smoothie?

A Month of Green Smoothies With Only One Day of Preparation!
An Amazing Link For Busy Green Smoothie Drinkers!
When it comes to the benefits of consuming a daily green smoothie, the list is practically endless. One of the most gratifying benefits is that you will begin to notice a feeling of inner peace and tranquility when you consume this drink consistently. This is due to the chlorophyll found in greens, which delivers fresh oxygen to your cells and allows your body to thrive in a slightly alkaline state. In this state, your body can achieve the highest possible level of health and degenerative diseases such as cancer cannot thrive (these diseases grow and thrive in acidic environments).

Likewise you will feel cleaner, lighter, more vibrant and will have a positive outlook on life overall. When you eat healthy, you feel healthy and this truly radiates outward.

Not only that, but your body will be strengthened on the cellular level. It will be easier to curb bad addictions and unhealthy habits, your skin will radiate and glow, your bowel movements will be smooth and regular, you will drop unwanted pounds, diminish cravings and get a boost of pure, natural energy that will sustain you throughout the day. Although many people make the green smoothie an AM routine, it can also be great when used as a pre-workout shake to provide you with lasting energy (when combined with fruits to up the caloric value and supply us with simple sugars to burn immediately as fuel).

Green Drink Detox
All in all, green smoothies are a cheap, quick and extremely effective way to provide your body with pure nutrition and achieve optimal health. They are low in calories, filling, easily digested, refreshing, hydrating and packed full of vitamins and minerals. I could continue on with the list of benefits for days, but if you are interested in learning more about the science behind the green smoothie, please feel free to go through the links below. They provide some great additional information and will put you on a path to becoming the healthiest, most vibrant and beautiful you in 2014! Cheers :-)!
Freeze Now, Blend Later!
Freeze Now, Blend Later
What are some Basic Tips and Guidelines for Green Smoothie Drinkers?
1. Consume your green smoothie first thing in the morning before eating breakfast and on an empty stomach to receive full benefits. Try to enjoy your green smoothie alone and not mixed with a meal.
2. Drink slowly and enjoy!
3. Prepare your smoothie first thing in the morning and keep extra in the fridge to enjoy later on.
4. Stick to the basics: Try to use only fruits, vegetables and water in your green smoothie. 
This will prevent anything from slowing down the assimilation into your digestive tract or from causing stomach upset or gas.
5. Keep it simple: Don't add too many ingredients to your smoothie at one time. 
This makes your smoothie easier to digest.
6. Practice makes perfect: Try different recipes until you find one that you really love!

And Don't Forget!: 
It's Not a Diet, It's a Lifestyle :-)!


My Very Own: Coconut water, Frozen Pineapple and Mango, Kale, Banana

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